Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register?
All registration is online, hosted through RegFox. If you are unable to register online, or you would like to reserve a group of tickets, please do so by calling 314-792-7083.
How much does it cost?
Early bird registration costs $35. After, 2/8, ticket prices go up to $45 through 3/3. Late and Walk In registrations (tickets sold after March 3st) are available for $50.
Will the Conference be live-streamed?
The conference will not be live streamed. We strongly believe that the incarnational nature of our faith makes live-streamed events ineffective for what we hope to achieve during these days.
Who are the featured Speakers?
We are excited to welcome Sr. Marie Veritas SV and Heathery Khym.
Worship music will be provided by Carrie Bajzath.
Read more at our Speakers page.
Where do I Park?
Parking is available free of charge in the St. Louis Science Center Lot next door.
How old do I need to be to attend.
It's up to you, but we recommend that girls no younger than 13 or 14 (eighth grade) attend.
What should I bring with me and what should I leave at home?
Many women bring a tote bag with them for items they buy or resources they gather from vendors. The temperature of the venue varies, so we suggest bringing a sweater. The venue provides cups for purchase that are allowed in the theater.
Can I bring my baby?
Of course! We have a Mother's Room for nursing if needed.
I lost my ticket. What should I do?
Don't worry! If you registered online, you can search your email for your registration confirmation. If you lost a physical ticket that you purchased from a parish captain, please contact
I decided not to come. Can I get a refund?
Refunds will not be offered. Those participants who decide not to attend can receive recordings of the talks upon request.
Does registration include lunch?
Yes! If you have dietary restrictions that we need to know about, please include it in your conference registration.
I want to become a Conference Supporter. Where can I get this information?
Thank you to those sponsors who make our event possible! Please download the sponsorship form here and submit it to
I want to become a vendor. Where can I sign up?
Please fill out the online application here.
Questions- Email
I want to advertise in the program. Where can I sign up?
Thank you to those advertisers who make our event possible! Please download the advertisement form here and submit it to
I want to volunteer. Where can I sign up?
You can sign up to volunteer here. Email with any questions.
What is the schedule of the day?
8:00 Venue Doors and Vendors Open
8:00 Adoration + Confession Begins in Chapel
8:45 Opening Prayer and Welcome
9:05 Session 1 Conversion - Sr. Marie Veritas, S.V.
9:50 Break
10:10 Session 2 Healing - Heather Khym
10:30 Adoration
11:30 Mass
12:30 Lunch
1:20 Session 3 Discipleship - Heather Khym
2:25 Break
2:50 Adoration + Confession Ends in Chapel
2:50 Session 4: Evangelization - Sr. Marie VerItas S.V.
3:45 Closing Remarks
4:00 Dismissal